Why you should NEVER give up

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 28, 2020 1:00 PM

So I queued for a game without much of a warm up and got Ascent CT side. Me and my team started losing one round after another until it was 2-8.

Ascent is typically a very CT map, so I started tilting. Luckily, my teammates started carrying and I started griefing the lurking Reyna.

To my surprise, we started to pick up rounds on attack side until it was 10-12. The synergy was real; I was entrying as Reyna and always got a pick or traded by my teammates. Finally, we won the round 14-12 and I was as happy as can be.

This just shows: despite a map being Ct or T sided you can still win on the harder side through teamwork.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/k28qap/why_you_should_never_give_up/
  • https://reddit.com/k28qap

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