Why do people love to surrender so much in this game?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 9, 2021 9:38 PM

I have no issues with getting absolutely annhilated by the opposition. This doesn't mean I would surrender. But whenever I solo queue, even in the first couple of rounds if the team find it isn't going their way they surrender. I really do not understand it.

I honestly think that the only way you're going to improve in the game is by playing people who are better than you, and it doesn't hurt my ego in anyway even if I lose 13-1.

I can't be the only one who thinks this surely.

- edit (just a little add on)

if you're playing with people who are AFK, cheaters etc, sure, I understand why some people may surrender, but i've referring to the whole standard 5 v 5, no AFK'ers, no hackers just normal people giving up in the first half of the game. Also I believe that surrendering just because you don't want to waste your time isn't a viable excuse (in my opinion), I get that some people just play to have fun, but there's no fun in constantly just pressing that surrender button because you're not getting the frags.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kt2okh/why_do_people_love_to_surrender_so_much_in_this/
  • https://reddit.com/kt2okh

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