Why are people taking Run and Gun as an excuse?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, August 11, 2021 12:45 PM

I really don't get, why people are complaining about Run and Gunning.

Yes, there are times where the enemy kills you with a Vandal while moving from long ranges like 30-35m away, and that's just unlucky, don't get me wrong.

But so many people in my games, just take it as an excuse for why themselves are in a bad position, or just don't play for gun advantage.

What is wrong with being in a 5-10m radius and swinging around a corner, prefiring an angle with a spectre or a phantom?

It's like their most effective range, why wouldn't you be allowed to move, even with the Vandal?

Please, if you're one of those people complaining about run and gun, think twice to why you died: was it really because the enemy was "just lucky" or was it because the enemy took advantage of your playstyle?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/p1nk4l/why_are_people_taking_run_and_gun_as_an_excuse/
  • https://reddit.com/p1nk4l

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