Posted by Steve
Saturday, November 20, 2021 9:24 AM
OK so I recently found out that people think yoru's footsteps are useless, I'm really confused as to why because they can do so many things and I am aware they make a different sound but that isn't what people pay attention to in high-ish and lower elo's and even in high elos they aren't useless. They are, like every ability less predictable in lower elos and more in higher, but still he can trigger razes bot which is good for faking in general, he triggers cyphers tripwires when put on ground and I'm not quite sure but they might trigger kj's shooty thing. My point is they aren't exclusively used to fake footsteps they can be used in other ways and is this just not enough for people or smth because I main Yoru and the footstep fakes works 90% of the time as long as you actually realise that yoru's footsteps aren't just footsteps, similarly to how sages wall isn't just a wall and everyone knows it but they still think that yoru's footsteps are still just footsteps, it confuses me so much, i would like to know why people dislike the footsteps so much :) Your thoughts would be appreciated :)
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