Posted by Steve
Friday, August 12, 2022 2:26 PM
4 of the games I've played today have been surrendered by my team when the game is tied 4-4 or we are only down like 2-3 rounds, I don't understand why they surrender, like the game is literally tied. What's the point in not playing the game out? I don't care if I did good or not in these matches, I just don't understand why people don't play the game out, like surrender is still a loss, what's the merit in surrendering.
*FOLLOW UP*!!!! Ok, for anyone that wanted to know why I wanted this discussion or for the people who think I'm getting worked up over a unrated game. I wanted to just understand why people would surrender if they aren't getting better at the game or gaining anything from it. I have gotten good feedback from this, I would say I am a very competitive person and have a large ego, so I just believe even people playing unrated would have some sort of competitive drive to play the game, didn't really take personal reasons into account or people stacking in unrated. THATS ALL!
BONUS FOLLOW UP!!!! WOO. I understand that a lot of people keep bringing up the point of "people have to do shit IRL" and I fully understand that, people got shit to do, if you revolve your life around a video game (especially valorant) you gotta a pretty sad life. SO if someone said like "oohh shit I gotta leave, can we ff" or something like that, i'd ff like they got shit to do, but when your entire team isn't talking and they all just ff after 8 rounds with no one being toxic in vc or tc, you ask them why and still no one speaks, so you just wasted your time. So now I'm just wondering why my entire team ff besides me, unless i'm just fucking unlucky and have gotten a bunch of games with 4 stacks, and that's all for now, just asking a question, not trying to flame. <3
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