Posted by Steve
Tuesday, December 15, 2020 5:04 AM
Like I get it — DM is not about winning or losing and respawn times are low so what does it really matter if I get killed from off screen, right? But I just don't understand the sentiment here.
In my mind the player increase from 10 to 14 has absolutely ruined this mode. The spawns are so goddamn terrible that easily 80% of the time you will get shot from behind or the sides while taking a duel with someone else. Even if I win, I'm dead. If I get lucky I can finish the duel in front of me and turn around to shoot the other guy too but the game is obviously designed in a way where turning around is a huge detriment and you're not supposed to make 180° spins.
So why have people always been asking for more players? And why do they want respawn times to be even smaller? For a mode that's supposed to help me practice shooting it sure doesn't emulate the shooting of the actual game at all.
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