Posted by Steve
Monday, March 21, 2022 7:00 AM
I just wanted to make a quick Reddit post for all my fellow rank demons, that are trying to improve and rank up on valorant.
In this post I will be talking about how tracking your stats, recording games to rewatch and just in general recording, your process can help you improve faster.
Why should you listen to me?
I have always played FPS games and always tried improving and one of the ways I found most effective is watching demos of yourself or better players to learn. This helped me reach faceit level 9, almost 10, and have gone from silver in valorant to diamond and will probably hit Immortal this act.
How can you record your matches?
Not all have enough storage on your PC and for this, I recommend streaming matches on twitch and then rewatching the VODs could be useful, If u have more storage on your PC to then record full matches and upload them unlisted or public on youtube to save room on your pc. You can as well use blitz or other apps to track in-game stats, but these are not as insightful as rewatching full games of yourself or pros.
What to look for in demos?
Lets start with your own demo:
In your own demo look at plays that made you win the round and understand why, is it because enemy rotated to fast and you got more map control, is it just luck and timing and try to find consistency in these plays. Look aswell at your role and agent and see where you can do more, do you entry the site enough as a duelist, do you use your traps enough as a CYPHEr or CHAMBER? Look at this small thing and look for improvments :)
And look how your teammates are playing so you can learn how to play if your team does X. (Example is what do you do as a lurker when your team is entrying site, what is your path to site, what corners are u clearing and how are you calling).
In your bad games look at how did you die, dumb peeks? bad positioning? or bad plays? and make some rules so you don't keep doing it.
Pro demos:
Here I recommend looking at pros that play the same agent or role as you do in ranked games and looking at how they play different situations and try to pick up some tricks like positioning, peeking, and plays you can try to do. I do not recommend watching pro-matches to learn since these games are based that your team communication and they have strats and plays specifically for teams they are playing, so stick to watching ranked games they stream.
How to keep track of everything?
I have always used a notepad app, like google drive or Notion to keep track of every game and my notes for each game. here I recommend having a link or something to the demo you are watching so you can keep track of the demos you have watched. And here use screenshots and text to explain for yourself the plays they are making etc. And in the end, make a list of things to do and not to do and read it before a match so you always have it in the back of your head when you play.
Thanks if you made it this far, I make videoes on Youtube about my ranked grind, and if you want to watch and follow me on my way to immortal, here is a link:
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