Why do Reynas just don't use their ult?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, September 15, 2022 10:07 PM

It's more often than not when I see a Reyna have her ult and just leave it there. Reyna, despite being so basic, has proven to me that with 1 ult she can 1v4 as long as she knows how to shoot properly.

When I tell a Reyna to "Just use their ult" in a 1v3 situation, they all say the same thing

"It would be a waste" which then leads me to ask myself the same question "A waste to who exactly?"

Reyna's ultimate benefits no one but herself, added to that, it's a 6 point ult which means it's considerably easy to get it back. It's an ultimate that can define the end of a round depending on the shooting skill of the Reyna.

Just use your ult man, no one cares, trust me.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/xdtuos/why_do_reynas_just_dont_use_their_ult/
  • https://reddit.com/xdtuos

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