Why screenshots are bad & what each visual indicator means

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 29, 2021 11:33 PM

So I decided to make this little post to help those that have those "why isn't this a hit" moments and often jump to server or game issues before checking a few common problems.

Firstly if you're going to discuss or complain about an issue, you better have video evidence at the least to back it up. Screenshots or just words are pretty meaningless. You can frame screenshots very easily to show what you want.

I did a simple test, tried to get a very fast flick in the training range and record it. Check the footage frame by frame and see what you can see at each frame.


This is the flick, and before even looking at the screenshots I can tell you that there isn't a single frame in the recording that shows a frame where my crosshair was over the bots head.


I annotated this album but I'll post the pictures below if you don't want to open another tab:

I probably physically clicked my mouse here.

This is the last frame before the shot was sent from the client.

The shot was sent inbetween frames (60fps video), this is the first frame the shot displays the client side hitmarker which indicates where your crosshair was when you shot. The server will take this shot and determine if the enemy was actually where you shot when you did.

By now the server is just receiving the client's shot, and will then send that accepted shot back to the client. The client side tracer shows where an approximation of where the shot went and stays in physical space. This means if the enemy is moving, what looks like a miss might be a hit and vice versa.

The client has recieved the accepted shot back from the server and displays the headshot hitmarker in space the shot originally landed. Again if the enemy is moving, by now this hitmarker could be far from the enemy's position, and the crosshair is far from the head by the time the server has accepted the shot since the flick went past. Regardless, only this means the server applied that damage to the enemy.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/l7oe7v/why_screenshots_are_bad_what_each_visual/
  • https://reddit.com/l7oe7v

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