Why does my skill diminish the more I play

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, September 20, 2022 1:14 AM

I quit and drop the game and then come back a few weeks to a months later and I regain my skill and I play really well, I climb ranks and I have a good time, but then a few weeks to a few months later I do terrible, like my kd is like I just started playing the game yesterday. It feels like I have a fuel tank of skill and I have to refill it by dropping the game for a bit. My average kd will go from like 25/10/5 to like 4/20/3 and I don’t know why. It happens without fail every single time I pick the game back up.

Any tips or why this happens?

Edit: I wanted to make this clear I don’t play ranked anymore since I’m playing like this. I am strictly talking about unrated where I wouldn’t have nerves or any anxiety.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/xhz7h6/why_does_my_skill_diminish_the_more_i_play/
  • https://reddit.com/xhz7h6

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