Posted by Steve
Tuesday, December 22, 2020 12:02 AM
By jealous, I mean thinking that you think the only reason your teammate is doing better than you is because the enemy plays bad against them. 99% of the time, they aren't doing worse, its just factors that you can't see/pay attention to, like positioning, crosshair placement, and movement.
A lot of the time, it's just that your teammates aim is way worse than yours, but they are positioning themselves in a way that they don't need aim to win. Or, a lot of people have much better movement than you, so it makes it easier for them to hit shots but harder for the opponent, putting your teammate at a huge advantage.
Despite this, I used to look past these and get jealous that the enemies played so bad against them but were amazing against me. It seemed like the second they fought me they toggled. In reality, I was being ignorant and was just mad that I couldn't beat them. All it did was distract me from the objective and focus me on doing better than my teammate in kda.
I've seen a ton of players that do this too, and I've started trying to point out what they are doing right/wrong to try and help them get past it, and I think you should too. It helps a lot more than I expected, mainly by helping your teammates improve much faster than they could on their own. It also helps you, because you simultaneously learn alongside them.
Figured I'd share this because of how many people I see that do this, and how many people I think could benefit from it. It really does help a lot when you really try to fix it.
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