Why is it weird to have skins while being in iron?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, August 4, 2021 3:38 PM

So, this has been bothering me for a while. I posted my inventory in some discord servers and I always got weird replies saying "oh, you have so many skins and ur only in iron". I'll be honest, I put A SHIT TON of money into valorant, and I do admit that I'm not the best player, but why shouldn't I enjoy the game that I play? I love the skins in valorant and I think that the art team is EXTREMELY talented. It's very frustrating because I end up feeling like an idiot because of my skins.

For the record, I won't stop buying skins because I love valorant and the people that I met on it. I just want to know why people act this weird when they see irons with a lot of skins.

edit: i see what u guys are saying, but the thing is, i have been iron for a while now. i peeked at b1 this comp season and sbmm fucks me up every time i do get a win. im trying extremely hard to get out of iron and it's pissing me off. and for the record, i'm not blaming smurfs. they are bad smurfs if they are in iron, however there are people that openly admit that they are in gold on their main. i'm trying my best to get to bronze. don't know why sbmm thinks it's funny to put me in sweat lobbies when i'm on iron 3 with 90rr, just sucks

Thank you guys and stay safe Max (:


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/owswbe/why_is_it_weird_to_have_skins_while_being_in_iron/
  • https://reddit.com/owswbe

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