Why is Yoru’s in-game info so vague?

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 10, 2021 10:50 PM

When you look at every agents’ in-game info, they all have a brief description about them and where they’re from.

For example, Breach’s is:

The bionic Swede Breach fires powerful, targeted blasts to aggressively clear a path through enemy ground. The damage and disruption he inflicts ensures no fight is ever fair.

However, Yoru’s just says:

Yoru infiltrates enemy lines and gains positional advantages in combat.

Why is this?

I’m pretty sure this was changed because about a month ago it mentioned something about him being from Japan.

Kinda weird.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/n8uabc/why_is_yorus_ingame_info_so_vague/
  • https://reddit.com/n8uabc

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