will i ever even reach silver lmao

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, May 18, 2021 12:16 PM

this post makes no sense but i don’t know. i’ve been stuck in bronze for about three seasons now (but last season i was inactive).

although, each season i do progress. i started from iron 1-3 in episode 1 act 3. episode 2 act 1 i was bronze 1. episode 2 act 2 i was bronze 1-2. and now, episode 2 act 3 i’m bronze 2-3.

i’m so disappointed in myself. earlier my rr in bronze 3 was 98/100. i played with some friends and i got extremely tilted in a span of three lost games. i was forced to play sage twice, which is an agent i don’t really play. now it’s currently at 35/100. i didn’t even win one competitive game today. i’m just so sad lol will i actually escape this fucking hell of an elo?

i guess if it’s meant to be, it will be. maybe for now, it’s a no? idk anymore :((


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/neoeg8/will_i_ever_even_reach_silver_lmao/
  • https://reddit.com/neoeg8

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