With Fade, we now have too many edgy/dark themed characters. We need a pink themed agent!

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, April 20, 2022 8:55 AM

Since with the previous agents they don't go for stereotypes, it would be awesome if Riot used a pink theme for a male agent! I don't think I have ever seen a male character with pink color scheme outside of anime or cartoons? (correct me if I'm wrong)

ALSO I know... there will be complaints in the comments because "pink" == feminine, and its not everyone's thing. But thats why I said in the beginning that the character designers break stereotypes for the previous agents, besides, there is already a well known Riot character with a Pink theme and isn't feminine which is Vi!

But I really want to see Valorant's take on a male agent that isn't just "badass'' and trying hard to be cool (sorry Yoru). It gets tiring to see characters with the same personalities, especially male characters (this is the same for other games too), so for a change I want to see a male character thats friendly and soft? I think the best example I can think of is Itadori from JJK, he's got pink hair, he's kind and he gets excited a lot, but he's still boyish and strong.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/u71be2/with_fade_we_now_have_too_many_edgydark_themed/
  • https://reddit.com/u71be2

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