Posted by Steve
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 10:21 AM
Hello, I have done balancing and game tips before so I think I know what I’m talking about. Here is what I think each agent could use in terms of buff or a nerf. The format will go as follows:
AGENT [BUFF/NERF] - I explain the nerf or buff here
ASTRA [NERF] - lock anybody from playing Astra below diamond elo (ur not that guy pal I am sorry). There is a work around for this, however. If below diamond elo you must take a quick iq test and anybody over 250 can play her (that would be me. I’m that guy pal)
BREACH [BUFF] - Breach’s flash instantly kills anyone who is blinded. He’s not really seeing much playtime right now so maybe this will increase the pick rate.
BRIMSTONE [NERF] - Brimstone is OLD. He needs to retired he is not a hot anime girl so I see no need to have him in the game
CHAMBER [BUFF] - Make Chamber not french as it seems everybody who picks him wants to surrender by round 5. Also more lore please on why his yu gi oh cards tp him...
CYPHER [BUFF] - Cypher's cam can now fly and is invincible and invisible and does not let the person who is tagged know they are tagged. Also every round cypher follows the lore and gets domed round start.
JETT [NERF] - Allow more than one person to play Jett on a team per game. This will cull instalock throwers (ME) who will never got Jett because they do not know how to click fast.
KAY/O [BUFF] - Please add voice lines for KAY/O where he talks about being Killjoy's sex robot that's the only way I could see KAY/O ever being a viable option imo.
KILLJOY [NERF] - Killjoy's stupid fucking turret shoots Killjoy and one shots her for putting it in stupid cross fire angles on pistol round bc it takes a million shots to kill the stupid fucking turret.
NEON [BUFF] - This is speculation, but I think she should have a 100% speed boost all the time so that real overwatch players have something to do beside complain about how slow this game is compared to overwatch.
OMEN [BUFF] - as an Omen main who instalocks Jett/Reyna, Omen should be able to dash and, after every kill, he should get to use a new ability that allows him to kill a different enemy instantly for every enemy he kills.
PHOENIX [NERF] - Get rid of his flame wall as it is an obvious copy of NEON's walls but it is only one. That or maybe be more original and make his wall perpendicular and impassible (maybe greenish/blueish as well bc orange is a yucky color)
RAZE [NERF] - I hate Raze blast packs and abilities are too hard to understand, maybe give her a dash instead and instead of grenades maybe like an updraft type ability?
REYNA [BUFF] - Reyna doesn't see a lot of play from my teammates as I usually instalock it so I wondered what would be the way to make them want to play her more? I think instead of a Q that heals, maybe after you Q a kill you instantly win the round?
SAGE [BUFF] - Sage seems to tanky, maybe give her a dash instead of slows and since her wall ability is an obvious copy of Phoenix's new changes, maybe her wall will be replaced with an updraft type ability.
SKYE [NERF] - I. CANT. SEE. WHEN. SKYE. FLASHES. Remove the flash effect from her stupid birds they don't help me at all when she is pushin the site I am holding.
SOVA [BUFF] - Sova can not use any guns he can only use his bow since he talks so much shit saying he bow hunts squirrels and rabbits fuck you. HOW SOVA?? YOU DON'T USE REAL ARROWS!!!
VIPER [BUFF] - Viper is all about poison clouds, but not ONE voice line is about her taking big farts!!!! CHANGE IT! Also the poison orb covers a whole site as the orb right now only usually covers one entrance. That sucks as usually they go through two different entrances.
YORU [NERF] - Yoru, being the highest picked champ there is, needs a nerf. Make it so every time he tps he has a 40% chance of instantly dying because of cross dimensional rips or something idk it should be easy to explain why.
DRCHOO [BUFF] - DRCHOO on valorant has been Gold 1 for literally every season he hasn't been silver 3 please change this as it seems the rank is too easy for him so he does not even try and loses (at least just give me like an immortal gun buddy so I can lie to my friends)
What do you guys think about these changes? These were just off the top of my head so maybe balancing will be a little off still, but I think it is a step in the right direction.
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