Posted by Steve
Wednesday, December 1, 2021 9:09 AM
I was watching some Average Jonas lineups videos when I got the idea of this sage line up on Bind. This is just a concept so not sure if it actually is possible or not.
The Idea is to use a slow orb, as seen in the picture, so anyone pushing hookah to peak cant jump back into site. This means that ur team can push either on eco to maybe get an OP from an aggressive jett or just get an easy kill at the beginning of the round. U can probably pair it up with smoke to not get shot from site, or maybe gravity well for extra help.
I know you can crouch jump when the slow orb is there, but with a rushing team on your tail you will probably panic or not know you can crouch jump it.
I have worked a bit on it but cant get the slow orb far enough back. I am hoping that maybe someone else wants to look for a lineup for this or maybe get simelar idea but on another map or another place. I feel like this has got some potential for taking out aggressive peakers/OP'rs. So if you get an idea or figure out a line up for this please send a video of the line up.
Feel like slow orb is under appreciated and used wrong so maybe this can shine some light on the ability.
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