Posted by Steve
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 2:12 AM
this is it, this is what the valorant community (at least in Asia) has become. Sexually harassing women, in a game. I'm so done. I was duo queueing ranked with my gf, we're both diamond players. And these 3 stack Thai boys starts sexually harassing her. telling her to call them "onii-chan" and telling her to "moan for buff". I called them out nicely, I was very patient with it at first, I simply said "dude can you guys stop, youre making my gf uncomfortable". they start screaming at me in Thai, which I dont understand, then they start calling me the N word and other cuss words. As much as I love playing the game, its just impossible to play without a 5-stack. I thought CS:GO/R6s were toxic, but Valorant community is just something else.
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Posted by Otto
Sunday, April 4, 2021 1:00 PM
not that impressive but still knife ftw ( 69 hp nice )

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