Would a Spike Timer Overlay Be Bannable?

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 23, 2022 6:45 PM

I am a software engineer by day, valorant nerd by night. I had an idea for a background program that will detect exactly when the bomb is planted (monitor specific pixels at top of screen for red spike icon color) and start a timer that is shown somewhere on the screen and the timer is green if the bomb is still defusable and turns red if it is too late, so you can potentially get out and save your weapon instead of going down with the spike.

Would this be considered bannable? Essentially it is only a timer, and if I was a time-savant I could know every time down to the millisecond, this program only emulates that perfect time-management.



  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/xle6co/would_a_spike_timer_overlay_be_bannable/
  • https://reddit.com/xle6co

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