Posted by Steve
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 2:12 AM
hi guys! not to long ago i had to move and wasnt able to bring my entire setup so i was playing on a tiny desk and terrible internet. i recently moved and was able to resetup everything i had before. i have now been able to start taking val seriously again but i have noticed i am having a hard time aiming due to fatigue in my hand. I've played on mouse and keyboard for probably 5 years now but I still feel like I have no control over my hand. I used to play 2-4 hrs everyday about a 8 months ago. i still remember having problems aiming due to fatigue. I used a really heavy mouse before so i bought a gpx super light. it helped but my friend talked me in to a final mouse. ive been using it for about a year though. its lighter than the gpx but my wrist still gets tired. my wrist never burns it just feels like i cant feel it. its like its numb ive been doing some wrist stretches but they almost seem to make it worse. i been doing aim training off and on but when i aim train my wrist is always clenched. id assume thats why my wrist is tired but i dont know. is your guys wrist always clenched when aiming? i dont notice it in game but id assume thats because im always more focused on aiming than form. unlike when in kovaaks. I play at a high sens so maybe a lower sens would fix this i am just very use to high sens. (1600 dpi .27) any ideas? anyone else feel like you don't have control over your hand?
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