XP Breakdown for Episode 2 Act 1, With XP per day and week.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, January 14, 2021 6:16 PM

This has become a habit of mine, as someone who plays one or so matches per day. Decided to make a public post for the EP1 ACT3 battlepass and I intend to continue making them going forward.

This battlepass is different. Shorter timeline, but less xp per teir (not sure if the epilogue is different, but we will get into that later).

Previous battlepass: [Repost] XP Breakdown for the EP1 ACT3 Battlepass : VALORANT (reddit.com)

Major changes:

90 days -> 50 days

starting 4000 -> starting 2000

xp increase 1000 -> 750



1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Chapter Total

Chapter 1

Instant, 2000, 2750, 3500, 4250: 12,500

Chapter 2

5000, 5750, 6500, 7250, 8000: 32,500

Chapter 3

8750, 9500, 10250, 11000, 11750: 51250

Chapter 4

12500, 13250, 14000, 14750, 15500: 70,000

Chapter 5

16250, 17000, 17750, 18500, 19250: 88,750

Chapter 6

20000, 20750, 21500, 22250, 23000: 107,500

Chapter 7

23750, 24500, 25250, 26000, 26750: 126,250

Chapter 8

27500, 28250, 29000, 29750, 30500: 145,000

Chapter 9

31250, 32000, 32750, 33500, 34250: 163,750

Chapter 10

35000, 35750, 36500, 37250, 38000: 182,500

Epilogue (Values not yet known, previously 50000 each)

? x 5: ?

Battlepass no Epilogue xp total: 980,000 (from 1,372,000 in previous battlepass)

980,000 / 50 days = 19,600 xp per day

980,000 / (50 days / 7 days per week) = 137,200 xp per week

Unrated / Competitive: Min 1300 xp Max 5100

Spike rush: 1000 xp

Deathmatch: 900 xp

Week 1:

2000 xp * 2 per day * 7 days = 28,000 per week from daily missions

10,080 xp * 3 per week = 30,240 xp this week from week missions

137,200 - 28,000 - 30,240 = Need to complete 78,960 xp worth of matches during week 1

Week 2: tba

Week 3: tba

Week 4: tba

Week 5: tba

Week 6: tba

Week 7: tba


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kwwdqf/xp_breakdown_for_episode_2_act_1_with_xp_per_day/
  • https://reddit.com/kwwdqf

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