Yoru buff ideas

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 15, 2021 3:52 PM

Basically as the title implies, yoru obviously needs some changes to his kit. Everybody knows how bottom tier he is. Basically, here’s some ideas, some more drastic than others.

  1. Make his flash just a flash on a timer, like a CS flash, that way people can learn lineups and pop flashes to counter specific situations. Currently it is way too easy to react to his flash, and the bounce mechanic is kinda gimmicky unless it’s bounced out of smokes.

  2. Let him curve his footsteps like phoenix’s wall. This way he can use them offensively, should an opportunity present itself. Just a quality of life change that gives the player more choices.

  3. His teleport should be instant. He is a duelist/entry frag. He shouldn’t have to call out an “ITS GOOD” like an NFL referee. Reyna has 2 instant invincibility charges (or an unlimited amount in her ult) and Jett has a super fast dash. Leave it’s noise as loud as it is and it’ll become a solid entry tool as he can initiate, and recall back. And he can obviously still die while doing it, so it wouldn’t compete with Phoenix ult.

  4. Let him teleport to his anchor during his ult. Obviously it’s an info ult, but it is easily the worst ult in the game. But if you lower it’s noise it could become a SERIOUS problem. So just give him the option to “nope” out of a sticky situation instead of feeding with his life.

  5. Make his anchor last much longer. The longer it is on the field, the more chance it ventures farther from where the action is. Or, it reduces the chance where it was placed just a tiny bit too early and becomes completely useless.

  6. (On the contrary to #5) Allow him to recall it. That way, if you place it somewhere C long on haven, you don’t lose your entire playmaking kit when your team calls out “they’re A long” way too late in the round. This way, you can call it back and use it for a retake.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m50avy/yoru_buff_ideas/
  • https://reddit.com/m50avy

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