Yoru Fakeout suggestion (make it a clone of Yoru)

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, October 26, 2021 1:43 PM

I've seen a lot of stuff about how Yoru buffs, about the sound of his ultimate/tether and the range of his invisibility, the speed of his teleport, or making his fakeouts come up to Skye and Sova abilities, but I think one change can solve a lot of things we currently see in the game, which is instead of just footsteps, make Fakeout an actual clone of Yoru and have it be able to body block a little damage.

It will have less health (maybe 40?) and will walk in a straight line. It will not provide sight on map. To me this solves a lot of things and opens up some design space.

  1. This gives us an explanation for it triggering other agents intel abilities. A lot of abilities already respond to footsteps, but this streamlines the ability. Not only does it trigger KillJoy alarmbot, Cypher trips, and Raze's roomba, we can now easily say that a Skye Hawk or Sova dart show up for them as well and will work as an actual fake-out for abilities. Having your gun out in the first place will already be better than solely relying on abilities to tell if it is the real Yoru. Seeing the clone running straight and being able to kill it quickly will and should be the safest way to deal with the situation.

  2. It will actually fake people out. A good fake out should have the opponent guessing and force them to make a decision. Therefore Fakeout should be tricking people. But just the footsteps themselves have proven to be the worst ability in the game and clearly needs another layer of deception: they don't even sound like Yoru, they also reward the opponent too early for just waiting and watching blue footsteps. They have failed at tricking people. Because of this, in most situations, they effectively give away Yoru's postion.
    Making Fakeout a clone forces the opponent to use context to decide if they really are being tricked. A good player dealing with Fakeout should either have enough intel to make the right decision or preemptively setup a situation where they aren't shooting a Fakeout while getting swung on by the real Yoru. Seeing a clone walking in a straight line that doesn't check any angles should be enough of a give away, but should still trick players running on adrenaline reaction.

  3. This might be controversial. It can be Yoru's defensive ability as well by having it act as a body block. Giving the clone a small health pool can have it block bullets. It will be less health and the wallbang/pennability of the clone can be changed. This solves a few issues.

  • Yoru's main way of entering an area has been his teleport flash combo which currently leaves him one flash and two footsteps. If he can use a clone to bait out fire from around corner or even cover him when he's entering, even just a little, it can add to Yoru's flexibility. If Yoru is relying on it as a cover all the way into site, he should still die, and maintaining a low health on the clone and having it be wallbangable should be a good way to prevent that. But if he is looking for a way to add to the chaos of a teamfight or using it very methodically it should be an effective tool.
  • Have it be his defensive tool. If the clone comes out quick enough (as fast as Jett Dash and Reyna dismiss) it should act as a body block. Yoru has had trouble getting out of those situations with just his teleport but if he actually plays properly or positions well, the small health pool of a clone should be enough for him to get out of a bad situation alive. It doesn't need to be a bullet sponge, it just needs to be enough for him to try again.
  • If it can come out fast enough, and defend against a bullet or two, Yoru can bring competition against Jett as the premiere Operator agent. Most people have to go through the lengthy animation of cocking the rifle again while getting behind cover, Jett foregoes this. I think nerfing Jett's dash risks something very important which is her feeling very quick and fluid. Yoru doesn't need to beat Jett at that game, but if he has a sacrifice clone that comes out quick, he can compete. Using Fakeout this way completely loses its value as a deception intel tool, just like how using Jett's dash in a duel wastes its value beyond dodging the bullets from that duel. This means Yorus using their Fakeout have to decide how important it is to use as a deception tool, and whether using it as a bodyblock is a waste or not. It should also still be risky, if the clone is pennable, then if he is behind it he still takes damage, but it gives him time to either move back behind cover or teleport.
  • We avoid a huge balancing mess with sound range/volume/invisibility range of his teleport. As a duelist, Yoru's only out (besides ultimate) has been teleport. Teleport has been too slow to compare to Reyna's dimiss or Jett dash, but having an INVISIBLE TELEPORT that can bring you ACROSS THE MAP is hard to balance without some sort of telegraph. My proposal is we let Yoru's teleport fill the role it has been without people relying solely on it to get out of sticky situations.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/qfozaa/yoru_fakeout_suggestion_make_it_a_clone_of_yoru/
  • https://reddit.com/qfozaa

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