Yoru footsteps buff proposal

Posted by Steve

Monday, June 21, 2021 3:52 PM

Nice and quick, scale the feet into a full sized hologram copy of an ally. Make it blue and translucent so it's obvious, but it makes footstep sounds and sets off cypher wires, Skye flashes, boombots, sova darts, whatever.

  1. With jett getting nerfed, an alternative counter to Cypher wires would be nice

  2. Yoru is an outplay agent, letting him have tools to mess with Cypher and Sova would be good since they're almost always picked in pro. If Sova is too predictable with his arrow Yoru can single handedly fake a push

  3. big brain meta is the best meta

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk

Follow up:

The cypher mains are out in force complaining about yoru being able to sweep wires. I hate to break it to you cypher mains, Yoru can already teleport behind them. Having said that, the main target here is Sova and to a lesser degree skye. Punishing predictable play is the goal, so giving cypher an exemption wouldn't be the end of the world - I just think it's not very intuitive, which is important for a game that's going to release agents at a breakneck pace. YMMV.

Apparently boom bots are already fooled, which is great, but serves my previous point well. That's not intuitive at all, so I had no idea. Nice to know, though.

No, Yoru can't be a silent agent. A quiet ultimate would be one thing, but his free ability is basically already an omen ult, and that has tons of audio to go with it. Gatecrasher is not an aggressive tool, you shouldn't be "nothing personnel, kid"ing people despite what the cinematics show. The only way I could see the gatecrasher becoming silent is if it was visible to give some kind of warning, and then you'll just get domed instead. If you have some other way of giving warning and allowing counterplay, feel free to mention that instead.

However a no-brainer buff of making the footsteps sound like real footsteps would be great. I don't even know why they aren't already


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/o443m4/yoru_footsteps_buff_proposal/
  • https://reddit.com/o443m4

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