Yoru Guide: Essential Tips and Tricks To Understanding and Using His Abilities (Mostly Using Footsteps effectively, and why Riot will not make Yoru quiet)

Posted by Steve

Sunday, May 2, 2021 6:45 AM


Yoru is not a stealth character, he is a deception-based character that happens to have stealth in his kit. Riot is never going to make his abilities quiet, the ability to use mobility without sound would make him completely unbalanced and broken and his ability to rotate fast and quietly would outclass omen ulti in almost every way, for that reason alone its highly unlikely that Yoru will ever get a teleport sound buff.

I do think Yoru could use another buff by making his teleport instant like Jett or his Ult vision range a bit higher, but overall I think his current state is not as bad as people make it to be especially his decoy. The biggest buff to Yoru would probably be to add a replay feature to the game and seeing if your plays work or not.

By design, Yoru will either be below average or overtuned as hell since he relies on deception similar to deception character in other games, and will most likely never be meta.


Easily considered the weakest ability in Yoru's kit because it's difficult to see the impact of this ability most of the time. In my opinion, the ability is kind of underrated and probably doesn't need a nerf or buff at all.

This ability should be used for two things: burning util and creating doubt.

How to burn Util:

Flashes: Against Phoenix, Breach, and Skye they like to play for sound cues on defense and use their flashes to get an early pick in the round . . Committing one of your decoys to where they play might bait them into using it allowing you to play counter flash or simply burn one of their flashes.

Sentinels: Sentinels will almost always play for sound cues and abilities, and will very rarely dry peek you. Against Killjoy you can simply send your decoy out through an open path and try to burn her alarm bot and mollys. Against Cypher you should only send out util to break his wire if the map has a tendency to allows for low wires like bind b site where Cypher can place sand wires and possibly the pyramids on Breeze. Against Sage, it's a tossup she might wall and slow because you decoy, she might wall anyways try tossing it out and see if they react if they don't react might as well not use your footsteps.

Smokes: They might drop a smoke if you make some footsteps, they might not. Same with sage, people aren't usually stupid enough to burn their smokes just because of Yoru footsteps.

Raze Boombot: if they have a raze using her boombot that clears out certain areas or using it to deny peeks place a footstep along its path and get it to catch the boombot allowing you to peek/hold an area.

How to Decoy for Deception:

It's important to note that when using decoys to trick people it's better to set it up ahead of time using right-click and activating it when it's needed rather than dropping in when it's needed. It's also worth noting that using your footsteps to trick people becomes a bit stronger the less member on your team is left alive/around you as the information available to the enemy team is simpler. It's useless to send in footsteps when 5 people are making footsteps as is.

Faking rotates: On the attackers side, after a sloppy push where you couldn't take too much space. Defenders will usually rotate over. If you send your footsteps into a high noise rotation area, such as Split sewers or Bind teleport or even just footsteps backward you can potentially stall their rotates and get a second chance of pushing. It's important to note that when you're rotating with a Yoru on your team, you don't always have to be quiet if you rotate for real especially if you've done a footstep rotate once or twice.

Faking your location: When your team takes a site and is planting the bomb. If there's no immediate danger, you should set up footsteps in common areas where attackers usually play post-plant. On Ascent B site, for example, Backsite, Stairs, Boathouse, and Lane are good spots to put your footsteps. The reason for this is that if it comes down to a clutch situation you can force them off the bomb if they're tapping/halfing there's not going to be that many people that ignore footsteps when they don't have their gun out. A thing you can do to make your footstep convincing is by placing it pointing at a wall making it so that it only takes one step. People sometimes make a footstep by accident and this will trick them into thinking that.

That's about it for decoys if you're a real freak you can also just run and pretend to be a decoy after you've used it on the enemy once or twice.


Not much to say about this ability, it's a strong flashbang. There are some lineups for it, they're not especially important, but good to know. You can pair it with teleports for kills. Just don't do the same flash over and over. The enemy is gonna dodge it eventually and you're gonna die.

Gatecrash (Teleport)

Use it to entry with a flash and you'll get some kills.

This ability is very loud. If you use it, they know where you are. Unless you flash.

A trick you can do on attacker is to take the spike to the opposite side of where your team is playing and just drop it, pick it back up, and teleport back to your team while they slow push luring a defender off the site. Try to keep the teleport back or in your spawn as it's very loud.

You can also use your teleport to reposition allowing you to play dangerous cubby areas where you might get traded after you get 1 kill or you can use it to reposition in clutch situations by flashing the enemy if you know where they are and teleporting so they can't hear where you teleported to.

As a Defender, as Yoru you can stack a site with your team if the enemy is hitting it often, but leaving your teleport on the opposite site with a solo defender. Using this method you can essentially have one more defender almost.

There's not really a point in sneaking your teleport into the enemy spawn. The moment you use it the entirety of the enemy team knows where you are. You're more likely to die than do something useful.

You can just throw your teleport with no intention of taking it/leaving it for your enemies to find. Most people when they spot the orb will leave it alone in hopes of getting a free kill when you go in, and stare at it for 20 sec. You can throw a flash and push them and they'll likely just spray at where your orb is.

Dimensional Drift (Ulti)

It takes Yoru 1.2 seconds to start shooting from the moment he presses the button to exits his ulti. If you get behind someone and they switch to their knife/abilities it takes them 1 second to pull out their gun again. And if they reload it takes 2.5 seconds on a rifle. If you see an enemy alone and they don't know you're there you can rip out of your ulti and kill them if they pull out their knife/abilities or reload. Even if they know you're there you can still rip out and kill them. This doesn't work when defusing or planting though as it only takes .3-.5 seconds to shoot if you tap or plant the spike, So if you do rip out you'll probably die if they are expecting it, if they don't know you might still kill them you might not.

You can use your ulti to escape brimstone ult if he calls it on you and you can react fast. You can also use it to dodge Killjoy ulti when it goes off, and lastly, you can catch the raze rocket for your team by jumping at her and ulting, same can be done with your teleport

You can use your ulti to get info/entry by being the first one in scouting out common camping spots and getting into a corner where you can leave your ulti safely. You don't have to run into their spawn to be useful. Just being in cover deep in the site provides your team plenty of value.


If you wanna see Yoru tricks, just watch highlight reels. It's really hard to understand what this character can do unless you are on the receiving end of the ability or you see someone else do it. Hopefully now when you lock in Yoru, you're doing something else besides flashing your teammates trying to make highlights.

Also, tell me if there are any major typos.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/n2jzc5/yoru_guide_essential_tips_and_tricks_to/
  • https://reddit.com/n2jzc5

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