Posted by Steve
Saturday, May 8, 2021 4:50 PM
Just queued into a game, had a person say they were gonna throw before anyone even chose agents, started spamming the N word and saying it out loud, but we couldn't report as you can't report until the game starts (and we obviously dodged). That person has now probably went back into queue to be racist and ruin some more peoples games/get them queue banned.
More Like This
Not sure when Yall found out about color chat but here's my doc from Act 1 with one of the first color things my friend wrote.
[First thing he made was one of those things to make people FF, I wasn't a fan bc it ruined the fun but as you can see we made many others and I even made a python script to do it later on.](
Posted by Otto
Monday, June 7, 2021 5:48 PM
Remake should be automatic
I just played a match in which our sage left just after the 1st round. We started a vote for a remake and then one of the braindead player voted no, so we had to play a 4v5. This shouldn't be the case at all. People are at so much disadvant...
Posted by Otto
Saturday, October 23, 2021 2:26 PM
Why are my deathmatch/unrated lobbies much higher elo than my ranked games ?
Whenever I try to play Deathmatch or Swiftplay or even Unrated to warm up for comp I am almost always playing against people that are platinum or higher even though I am Silver 3. I have checked on Valorant Tracker and almost every game the...
Posted by Otto
Friday, January 6, 2023 3:38 PM