Posted by Steve
Monday, April 20, 2020 3:15 PM
More Like This
Who’s your favorite agent but not for gameplay reasons?
For me it’s probably Kay/0, I love the idea of an anti-radiant autonomous robot from a multiverse where they were a legitimate last stand.
Posted by Otto
Saturday, January 14, 2023 11:33 AM
Japanese voice actors?
Curious as to who the Japanese voice actors for the agents are, couldn't find anything on it. A lot of the Japanese voice actors sound familiar, so I'm curious to see if they voiced any other characters I know.
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, December 29, 2020 9:24 AM
People are actually so nice
I posted a post on whether or not buff was legit, and 2 mins later someone DMS me a vp code, which I did not expect. I was in no way wanting someone to buy ANYTHING for me, but this person really blew me off guard, and is wonderful. I have...
Posted by Otto
Friday, January 27, 2023 6:02 AM