You can control toxicity to a certain extent.

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 23, 2020 1:28 AM

Hello, me llamo Elevayshun. I am currently a player hovering around Gold 3 - Platinum 1. I started playing VALORANT during this act, with around 60 hours of CS:GO experience. I started off as a Silver 2 player, and solo-queued to Platinum 1. Compared to a lot of other people, I think that is a very significant progress for one act. The problem for me, especially in Silver ELO was not the so called "Bad players holding me back", but the toxicity. There were the infamous insta-lock Reynas that would quit after losing pistol rounds, and the people who would yell at you for bot fragging and "baiting" them even though you died before them, on the OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP. Anyways, what I'm saying is that toxicity is the factor that you should be focusing on. Because yes, maybe bad teammates or players having a bad day are holding you back, but there's really nothing you can do about that. However, you can actually manage toxicity without muting people. I was actually able to do this while solo-queueing, and it has helped me a lot. Here are two things I did to avoid toxicity, or even manage it.

1: Blame yourself. Yes, this sounds really stupid at first, but the thing is toxic people will always shit on people. Blaming yourself presents you as an easier target, so the toxic guy will target you, instead of your teammate. So every time your team loses a round, say "My bad" and then list off a random reason why it was your bad. It doesn't matter if it wasn't actually your fault, just saying something like "My bad, I should have watched flank" or "My bad I should have gone in first", or "My bad I shouldn't have peeked that" will save your teammates from getting flamed. Yes, you will get flamed but as long as you keep in mind that it wasn't actually your fault, you won't get as affected. So through publicly blaming yourself you are protecting your teammate's mental health, while not putting yours at too much risk. Happier teammates play better than angry, pissed off ones.

2: Always commend your teammates. This is a very obvious one that many people do, which is a very encouraging thing to see. It can be something as simple as saying "Nice try" if one of your teammates fail a clutch. Even if it was like the world's shittiest attempt at a clutch just say stuff to keep your teammate's morale up.

I hope these tips help.

TL;DR: Keep everyone happy, prevent your teammates from being flamed by baiting yourself.



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