You can now create the most defensive team comp possible

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 15, 2021 8:41 AM

You can now play with 4 sentinels and 1 controller and it can be somewhat fun/interesting.

This is what the comp looks like:

Killjoy,Chamber,Sage,Cypher, and Astra or Viper depending on the map. Both of those controllers are basically a fifth sentinel.

You would have a total of 15 stalling/defensive abilities on the ground , even on Haven that’s 5 on each site. It would be fun to see how much time you could stall for with those. (I’m not counting ults)

If that isn’t enough you still have Sage providing heals for the team, resurrecting when needed . Speaking of which you have access to most of the strongest ults in the game between Sage,Killjoy,Viper/Astra and possibly Chamber.

In defense the enemy team has a chance only if they have a Kayo with ult . In attack it will be hard but not impossible to win , you can clear many angles with some of your utilities and still have many more for post plant.

Really looking forward to test this once five stacks go back for D3 and above . If anything it will give the enemies a headache.



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