Posted by Steve
Friday, April 23, 2021 8:55 PM
I am going to get a lot of flack for this but here it is. You losers love smurfs, as long as they're on your team. You don't care about the "integrity" of the game. You just want the odds to forever be in your favour.
I am Diamond 3 and have about 3 accounts at various ranks. I usually play on my very low ranked account after 1am when I'm dead tired. I start my night by hopping on the Valorant discord, look for a lobby of silvers/golds to join, then tell them I'm Diamond. I've done this maybe 30 times by now and EVERY SINGLE TIME the result is the same. "Do you have an alt?" "Will you carry us?"
I am being 100% honest that I have never EVER had someone in the bronze-gold ranks turn down the opportunity to play with a smurf. I usually hang back and let them play, then clutch when it's needed. Beyond the people that queue with me (usually I lobby with 2 other people), nobody that I have ever matched with has given me flack when I tell them my real rank. They laugh and love the free win.
That's all I have to say. To my eyes, you guys are a bunch of hypocrites. You want people to stop smurfing? Tell the smurf that while you are being carried to a free win. It never happens.
Edit: im not defending smurfing. That's a whole other thing. I'm just calling out the hypocrisy I see.
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