You need to learn to accept your rank.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, December 11, 2021 8:55 PM

After a REALLY toxic match I reached to a conclusion. People can't accept their ranks. I'm in G3 rn and it was a rank up game for me, we were matched with a few plats and we got pummeled understandably. Now we lost 11-13, which isn't a bad score in any way or form considering the skill set and the game was fun, it seemed everyone gave in their all just that the other team was just better, but that didn't stop my teammates from shouting and screaming and arguing in multiple 1v1s.

There's a simple logic, you're not a potential radiant, you're an average Joe who's doing his best and if your best makes you a gold player then accept that with a head held high because a lot of people want what you have.

Your psyche is very very important when you're playing a game which relies heavily on what mindset you're playing in. Please, learn how to accept your own potential and stop taking the frustration which comes due to over expecting from yourself, on your teammates cos you bet your ass they're trying their best as well.

Remember you play to have fun, not to have a random bunch of letters associated to your name in an online video game.

Edit: Just to clarify, knowing where you belong doesn't mean you shouldn't work for it and give up, it's much easier to slowly become better with experience and a healthy mindset than to force yourself to change. That was the whole point of my post.



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