You should not be penalized for leaving Unrated with Griefers

Posted by Steve

Saturday, April 22, 2023 3:09 PM

I was in a game with a phoenix and Sadge that were intentionally griefing the rest of the team, throwing molly's and walls under us, trying to flash us etc

On round 4 the 3 of us who weren't part of that duo all wanted to FF and move to next game without them. They voted against us, and told us "don't be babies _____ .

Me and my friend decided to just alt f4, and go play overwatch instead. When we come back an hour later we can't que for 10mins, as these guys obviously reported us for quitting.

But we also got a pop up telling us "your report for a player Sabotaging the team was verified and the player you reported was penalized"

Personally I think in those circumstances there should be no penalty or anyone who afk's or quits a game with a proven sabotage. Like who wants to play that out, and why would you?

Really needs to be fixed

Edit: I think this rule should probably be extended for a few other issues such as matches with proven cheaters. Who wants to play against an aimbot?



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