You are probably not better than the enemy Jett/Chamber, stop peeking ascent mid

Posted by Steve

Friday, November 25, 2022 2:55 PM

Map is ascent, attack.You're playing something that isn't a duelist or chamber. You see the chat.

"Hey Jett you are trash lol"

You look at your Jett. She's stopped knifing the wall in buy phase. She sells the vandall and her shield and buys an OP with low shield. She goes mid.

Round starts. Your jett dies in 2 seconds. You have no duelists.

This repeats for as long as attack lasts. Sometimes it continues in defense.

I don't know who needs to hear this, but your ego is clearly bigger than your skills. Stop. You could probably kill them if you help the team. Stop raw peeking because you have to prove them something. It's only proving you're easy to bait.



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