Posted by Steve
Wednesday, January 20, 2021 6:45 AM
I was plat 1 before this act but currently climbing back to plat from gold and I am SMFC in csgo. I see so many people utilizing deathmatch wrong. Most of you guys do unbind crouch to stop crouching in a gun fight a very bad habit for csgo players. I know this method is effective as it has worked inc sgo so much and helped a lot fo my friends stuck in lower ranks climbed and it works in valorant aswell.
First unbind crouch as lots of you already do, this makes you smaller and will help bad crosshair placement players shoot your head and you are so slow it is very easy to shoot you unlike if you are counter strafing where you are hard to hit while being able to shoot your shots
Secondly turn off sound. Why you may ask? to avoid you camping for people or knowing where they are. You should ahve no information on the nemy to make you as unfair in dathmatch as possible so that you will win realistic duals where you are entrying on site, you haveno information the enemy could be anywhere. You have to setup the unfair engagement on the camper not them. If someone is camping in deathmatch do not flame them in chat concentrate, dont get tilted and play. This is realistic, you will face campers in real games. With sound on you are more likely to just camap out an enemy that spawned yourself making you have the advantage which is not what we are training for.
thirdly make map as small as possible fro the same reason as the sound
fourthly practice peeking techniques and counter strafing and DO NOT RUN AND GUN, you should not spray and pray aswell go fro burst shotsof maximum 5 bullets also do not shift walk the map
fifthly do not go for one taps with sherrif or guardian, this is an unlikely encounter you are preparing for as you are not training to be scream, you are training to kill people with good crosshair placement and in game you are not going to use a guardian aswell as sherrif most the time but however you are very likely to use the phantom and vandal
sixth remind yourself to place your crosshair at head level and at the same time learn where the head level is in different parts of every map like bind u hall or showers or short
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