Posted by Steve
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 5:05 PM
Out of my past 12 games I have won 11 of them. Luck? Maybe, but i would say otherwise. I didn't frag out like crazy but i did support the hell out of my teammates.
For reference i mostly play breach and yoru and instead of using my utility to get myself kills, I actually prefer to setup my teammates. Both these agents have utility that can be used in very dynamic ways and turn enemy heads to grant you but especially your teammates kills.
MOST IMPORRANTLY, watch your teammates and see how they play/are playing. If your one teammate is popping off, utilize your utility to help him or her more. If he or she plays aggro on defense drop a flash for them. Go even further and ask if they want you to use utility for them to make a play. Especially in mid round where people tend to start doing their own thing, mention what utility you have left.
Example: On defense on Fracture I like to use Breach's concussion from an off angle on A or B main right at the start and let a teammate peak for a quick kill.
A little verbal communication, teamwork and humbleness goes a long way in Valorant.
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