Your opinion on this situation.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, June 25, 2022 5:05 AM

I would like to see peoples opinion on this debate me and a friend are having.

We are defending on A site bind. Our A site players are chamber (uhaul), brimstone (triple box) and raze pushed up showers.

Our chamber has a trip short right under the box and a smoke covering short. And he had a TP in between A and B for quick rotates.

The attackers decided to execute A and we were aware that they were gathered more towards A short. As we had complete control of the showers area.

The attackers decide to use their brim ultimate and ult uhaul where our chamber is playing.

The question is, should he try to make it to default area to try and fight off the attackers short with our brimstone (who is peeking from triple), keep in mind our chamber will 100% take damage from brimstones ult and might make it out with little HP and try to fight.

Or should he have TP’D and played retake with the rest of the team, leaving brimstone alone in site. Keep in mind we had a player deep showers (orb area) and we had control of it at the point were attackers began to execute.

Additional info that can help decide. The enemy Jett was always the one to entry by smoking and dashing to either uhaul or triple area.

Attacker team had no flashes. Attacker team had a sova.

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