2 Teammates AFK at Halftime (8-4). The rest of us lost ~2 bars. What do you even mean?

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 16, 2020 8:41 PM

2 Teammates AFK at Halftime (8-4). The rest of us lost ~2 bars. What do you even mean?

Our two teammates left one round before the switch, (8-4), and remained afk throughout the rest of the match. The final score was 12-14, and 2 of us went down 1 bar, while the third went down 2 bars. Can someone please explain how a 3v5 that went ON UNTIL 12-14 DOES NOT WARRANT a relaxed elo game judgment?

This is a screenshot of the scoreboard, in which it can be clearly seen that the 3 of us were the top in terms of Average Combat Score, and yet we still go down in ELO.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/juxm4b/2_teammates_afk_at_halftime_84_the_rest_of_us/
  • https://reddit.com/juxm4b

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