This game is so hard to get into

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 6:16 AM

I’ve had this game for 2 weeks and admittedly I have no prior mnk experience and have really cheap equipment but fuck this game is so fucking hard. Like I came from apex and none of the skills transfer over, if anything it made things harder since I kept strafing and full auto spraying. I truly believe I am a contender as the worst valorant player in the world rn, no matter what I ALWAYS bottom frag and have the lowest combat score out of everyone in the lobby even tho I main Jett. I also have no idea what I’m doing 99.99% of the time when defending or attacking. I’ve gotten roasted so many times in games for how bad I am and how I shouldn’t instalock Jett lol. I’m currently sitting at zero ranked points and I’m HARDSTUCK iron 1. Kinda a bummer bc for the past 2 weeks I’ve grinded non stop 4+ hrs everyday and the most improvement I see is in range on easy mode I avg 20 now when before I avg like 10. So basically this post I’m kinda just sulking about how much of a rough time of having, feels bad.



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