3% bonus in battle pass. has to be one of the most laughable batlepass promotions in gaming today. i pray its increased in the future ones.

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 10, 2022 2:40 PM

why is it 3%? like not even 5, but 3? what is 3 %? lets do quick math here.

  • a 19 round game of Val gets me 1900 XP

  • 13 wins from this game gets me 2600 XP

  • total XP gained is 4500 XP

  • now we add in the 3% bonus..... uhhhh 135 XP. no really ONE HUNDRED AND THRITY FIVE XP. this makes the final game total 4635 XP.

IDK about you guys , but that is comically bad. like i get that you dont want people gaining too much from stuff (i think) or player Retention or whatever its called, but i think this should be at least 10% MININUM. moreso with the fact that you are paying money for this as well. if you need to add more levels and etc to make it work, do it i guess. but my point is that 3% is way too low and youre better off not even giving a bonus at that point.

like i know other battle passes give 10% or something to make it more worth the time. and some even give you money back to continue getting the battle pass in future months.

idk just some thoughts...


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/rzij5l/3_bonus_in_battle_pass_has_to_be_one_of_the_most/
  • https://reddit.com/rzij5l

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