4v5 comp matches should allow a one-sided draw vote on first overtime

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 23, 2020 9:38 PM

It's not fair to have competitive 4v5 matches where the team with the afk player manages to bring it to a 12-12 score just for them to be denied a draw and crushed in overtime. Right now you still need 6 votes to draw a 4v5 game but the afk player automatically votes draw, so it's 5(+1). This only allows the 5 player team to vote for it one-sidedly and puts the leaver team into an extra disadvantage. In my opinion if all remaining 4 players unanimously vote to draw, the game should also end just there. It would only be fair if they really manage to get 12 rounds.

Edit: I don't know if ONLY the 4 player team should be given a one-sided draw option or both teams, but right now it's just the full team and that's definitely wrong.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jyyk41/4v5_comp_matches_should_allow_a_onesided_draw/
  • https://reddit.com/jyyk41

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