A character idea I thought of while sleeping

Posted by Steve

Monday, April 11, 2022 4:36 PM

This is quite literally the character of my dreams.

Yumei Nationality: Unknown Bio: She's a real edgelord.

Playstyle: Duelist/Lurker


Ability 0- Shadow step (stamina gauge/ free)

Active: The sound of Yumei's footsteps are greatly reduced. On kill, gets 40% of stamina back. On assist, gets 15% instead)

(Think Neon, but instead of GO GO GO this one is just đź—ż)

Ability 1 - After image/Replicate (2 charges / 300$ each) Active: Yumei creates a remotely-controlled replica of herself. The replica can make noise and shoot (deals no damage), but dies if shot/damaged (not including fall damage). Lasts 10 seconds. Recast to cancel.

(Very similar usage to Sova's drone now that I think about it)

Ability 2 - Kunai throw (1 charge / 200$) Active: Throw a kunai shaped grenade that attaches to any surface (including agents). Maximum damage: 120 damage.

(The idea is to not one shot your enemy even if you attach the kunai to them)

Ultimate ability - From the shadows (Requires 4 charges)

Sound quote: evil chuckle

Active: Yumei can pass through terrain. Duration 8 seconds.

(Similar to Kayn from League, but due to how maps are in Valorant, some limitations should be applied. For example: can't go through really thick walls, can go through most leveled surfaces (can't go through really steep ones(general rule of thumb: if its jumpable, its passable.)))

Nothing new, nothing revolutionary, but man would it be awesome to have this.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/u113tj/a_character_idea_i_thought_of_while_sleeping/
  • https://reddit.com/u113tj

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