A Collection of 30 Agent Concepts

Posted by Steve

Monday, February 8, 2021 12:45 PM

Hi, Everyone. Over the last month, I have created 30 different Agent Concepts. These agents range from weather-controllers, to Norse Valkyries, to a controller of time. Thank you to anyone who gave me feedback and I hope people who see this take a look at the concepts and become inspired, Thanks so much, and here are the concepts linked below.

Aesir, the Viking Brawler from Norway

Sybil, The Controller of Sound from French Quebec

Cannon, the Gun Modder from Argentina

Ocean, the Flow of Water from Hawaii

Crook, the Moving Thief from Monaco

Shikyaku, the Ninja Assassin from Japan

Pwn, the Surreptitious Hacker from Turkey

Bounty, the Zeroing In Mercenary from Mongolia

Artemis, the Intentful Archer from Greece

Morte, the Corpse-Fueled Mortician from Italy

Blizzard, the Cold-Hearted Freeze from Iceland

Rewind, the Time-Controlling Traveler from Indonesia

Raja, the Jewel-Endorned Prince from India

Insomnia, the Nightmare inducing Scientist from Malaysia

Reverie, the Dreamweaver from France

Valkyrie, the Heroic Angel from Norway

Melody, the Music Legacy from Austria

Dim, the Light Bringing Darkness Creator from Alaska

Static, The Electricity Powered Fighter from Saudi Arabia

Mirror, the Glass Art Specialist from Italy

Corrosion, the Chemical Specialist from Taiwan

Sahara, the Sand Morphing Desert Dweller from Egypt

Tempest, the Storm Steering Regulator from Venezuela

Fang, the Claw-Slashing Werewolf from New Zealand

Evoke, the Emotion creating Empath from Nepal

Barrier, the Shield and Bulwark from Singapore

Selene, the Buffer of the Night from Pakistan

Helios, the Radiant Sun from Puerto Rico

Daemon, the Devilish Mafioso from Spain

Thanks again for looking through. I'll be trying to get design concepts for each agent. Also comment below which is your favorite.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lexg7a/a_collection_of_30_agent_concepts/
  • https://reddit.com/lexg7a

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