A flaming teammate was the reason i got into Valorant

Posted by Steve

Friday, March 19, 2021 7:43 AM

I started playing valorant in the 2nd day of closed beta, I didn't know anything about the game but I got the drop because I thought the game was cool, I jumped into a game without even knowing the objective of the game or how to play and died every round. unfortunately, a guy on my team got on the voice chat and started yelling at me and flaming me for everything I did. we lost the game and I genuinely thought that all valorant games are like this because this was my first ever game. After the game I though about it and wanted to prove people like that wrong so I took the time watching all of the tutorials I can find and 6 months later i just reached plat a few weeks ago, Looking back i don't think i would ever have the motivation to start learning the game if it wasn't for that guy yelling at me in my first ever game of valorant


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m7s4ti/a_flaming_teammate_was_the_reason_i_got_into/
  • https://reddit.com/m7s4ti

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