A message to players Bronze and below.

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 25, 2020 9:09 AM

Take this as a concern from me and feel free to give some criticism in the comments


A lot of people complain about being stuck in these lower ranks, they mostly blame their teammates but fail to realize that they could also change to improve.

First issue i see while playing in this rank is that not that many people are using comms, being mic shy is perfectly fine but listening to your team and using the ping system and chat, you can communicate without a mic.

Second issue is instalocking. This is what i see in every game i play. I just want people to wait and communicate on a good team load-out, just because some tutorial or guide said playing duelists is the best way to get out, isn't the only thing. Winning is more important than frags. Even if you get a 40 bomb and lose the game there is a high chance your rating will decrease slightly or not change, but a win is a confirmed increase even if it is small. If you decide to take the time to discuss with your teammates on what to choose, you can have a higher chance of winning. Learning to play more agents is also better as valorant is a TEAM based tactical shooter not one person carrying the team and calling his teammates bad. I have had so many of these experiences, i would rather lose with good teammates than win with 4 instalock duelists.

These few and very easy changes are probably gonna get you out of iron rather than instalocking duelists.

I know this is a common topic but i do not see it being practiced enough in my games. I really enjoy the game when i have a nice team with comms and a good team composition.

Finally i want to say that Winning is better than kills and that aim is not the only way to get out of ranks.

You have the potential to frag with any agent. Duelists are better but sometimes they could also be at the bottom. Support your team and you will see a lot more wins.

I know im probably in no place to say this as i am in bronze 2 myself but i wanted to address this and just get it off my chest.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kjgsed/a_message_to_players_bronze_and_below/
  • https://reddit.com/kjgsed

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