A few questions for viper Mains

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 5:33 AM

These questions goes out to all the viper mains out there. I currently main Jett/Sova in G3 but I’ve been looking to switch to viper due to how oppressive she can be. However, I have a few questions regarding her kit and playstyle.

  1. I know that her poison orb is good for smoking off site post plant either for lineups or to really shutdown site. But how often should you use them at the beginning of the execute instead? (Eg using it to block screens on split from T spawn)

  2. How often and when do you play for postplant lineups? I get that with her kit u can shave off 16 secs of defuse time. But most of them time, you will be on site as the spike is planted. Do you force your way into the lineup position? Or do you stay on site to secure the round? And how do you decide between both?

These are my burning questions as off now, please help to answer, it will be greatly appreciated!!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/n9cibw/a_few_questions_for_viper_mains/
  • https://reddit.com/n9cibw

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