Posted by Steve
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 1:00 PM
Hey everyone!
I've been playing for about a week, and as of today I've played four games of unrated and I think five or six games of Deathmatch. I spend a lot of time in the range and I tend to not play long stretches, hence the low number of games.
Very long story short...I've always had crazy anxiety about playing online team competitive games, even going back to my 1.6 days. That mostly stems from being really shit at most competitive shooters, and raging as a teen in Halo 3. My aim suuuuucked and I always hated letting my team down, that weird shooter anxiety kept me away from Valorant until recently. After watching my favorite streamer play and getting engrossed in Masters over the past month, I couldn't ignore the call any more.
My time with Valorant so far has been the least toxic, most understanding, and shockingly friendly game I've played in a long while. My teams understood my noobness, communicated, supported, and explained well. Tons of NTs, GJs, and GGs were shared. Even the dudes in Deathmatch when we could all-chat were friendly as shit.
It sounds like my experience has been unique, but I wanted to drop a thank you to any and all who I may have played with. Same to anyone who tries to make noobs like me feel welcome, or at least don't shit all over them for trying. Thank you.
I fucking love this game and while I know the toxicity finds us all eventually, the longer it takes the more hooked I get. So again to everyone I've met, thanks for being chill. I really appreciate it.
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