Adding one more Poison Orb to Viper's Kit (Rework Suggestion in light of Episode 2 Controller Changes).

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 11, 2021 4:07 AM

So it seems like all the other controllers now use 600 creds to max out on their utilities, and Viper seems to be missing 200 creds to use. Here are my suggestions:

  1. Add another Poison Orb to throw. That means Q only pulls out the orb to throw as opposed to deploying it. This will allow Viper to be played as a main controller, since her biggest weakness as a main controller is the sheer lack of smokes.
  2. Make F button to deploy all orb smokes. Now that you can't use Q to smoke, there is always the F button. It may replace the ability to pick up smokes to use it later, but its pretty long before being able to use it again anyways so in practice its rarely used.




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