After 50 matches, I've never once seen bind or haven

Posted by Steve

Friday, March 11, 2022 9:53 PM

This entire act since its started, I've played 50 damn games of val trying to grind, and I've gotten the same 3 maps on repeat: Fracture, Breeze, and Icebox.

I literally haven't even seen the loading screen for bind once this act and I have literally have played like 30 fracture games, 10 breeze games, and if it's not those two maps it's Icebox with the once in the blue moon maps like Split and Ascent.

I don't even remember what Bind looks like at this point.

Today I hopped on and decided to play and the first map I get is fracture. I picked my agent and waited, someone dodged. I get in to another match the map is fracture, someone dodges again. I get in to another match guess what fuckin map it is lmfao, fracture. Someone ends up dodging. Surely this time there is literally no way it's not Ascent, Bind, or Split. Nah, the loading screen is Haven, and when I get in to the actual map its fucking FRACTURE LOL.

What is the chances of this happening, how have I literally never seen bind since the beginning of this act.



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