Agent Concept : Guru, the Revenant soldier

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 15, 2021 2:55 PM

Hello guys!

This time I tried to create an agent with a bit more unique abilities. Meet Rajeev a.k.a Guru, a soldier from India


Guru used to be one of the highest grade soldiers of Kingdom corp. Many of us know that Omen used to be a human before a failed experiment occurred, which resulted in him becoming what he is now, a shadow. However, after this failed attempt, Kingdom did another similar experiment on Guru, but without his consent (it was forced). This time, it was successful, and Guru became the perfect blend, being able to alter between his human form and shadow form freely (Omen could've been able to do this too, incase the experiment passed). This is one of the reasons why Omen feels a certain disturbance when near Guru.

Some voicelines indicating this relationship:-

Omen to ally Guru - Guru, why does your shadow.....create such an imbalance?

Guru to ally Omen - I can sense all of your souls, but Omen, you are empty



Revenant state-


Hope you like it! Also, can you suggest me some more voicelines which would fit well with this agent?



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