Posted by Steve
Friday, April 2, 2021 8:40 PM
I came up with this in the shower because I was bored. Let me know if it needs balancing! I'm always open to new ideas.
"Node of Finland had worked under Kingdom's technology department. His time at the corporation was nothing short of boring until he came across a cache of radianite and became a technological monstrosity. He now dominates the battlefield, rendering his enemies defenseless after disarming them and cutting off their senses. He stops anyone charging at him with a tesla field and he is a force to be reckoned with."
Passive Ability
"Contact with his own ability will give him a temporary stim boost that lasts for 3 seconds after leaving."
"Tesla Gate"
First Ability [C]
1 Charge / $400
"Press [C] to equip ability. Node will punch his fists [fingers toward player] and pull them apart forming a web of electricity between his fingers. Place the Tesla Gate along any floor, ceiling. or wall with [Primary Fire] and Node will force the Tesla Gate onto the corridor. Bullets, abilities, and agents can pass through the gate but agents take damage (8/s) and are slowed down. Touching the ability momentarily will deal immediate damage (8). The Tesla Gate is about the size of 2 boxes stacked on top of each other and two boxes wide; continues to burn for 15 seconds. Also affects allies"
Second Ability [Q]
2 Charges / $100
"Press [X] to equip ability. Node will form a white energetic ball in his main hand. [Primary Fire] will launch a white energetic ball forward with a slight lobbing motion. Upon contact with a surface, the energetic ball will explode, temporarily cutting the sound of all enemies within 20 meters for 5 seconds. [Alternate Fire] will cause Node to clench his fist, causing the white energetic ball to explode immediately and cut the sound of all enemies within 20 meters for 5 seconds."
Signature Ability [E]
1 Charge / [25s Recharge]
"Press [E] to equip ability. Node will form a cyan ball with a cyan nucleus that forms electrical currents with the outside membrane occasionally with his main hand. [Primary Fire] will launch the EMP forward with a slight lobbing motion. The EMP will explode on contact, forming a standard area of effect on the ground where enemies and allies are disabled. Lasts for 5 seconds."
“Power Outage”
Ultimate Ability (X)
7 Charges
“Press [X] to equip ability. Node will form an unstable cyan ball of electricity similar to “E.M.P”, but much more unstable and using both hands. [Primary Fire] will activate the ability, causing all enemies to be flashed with a cyan blue flash for 2 seconds, disabled for 3 seconds, and nearsighted with a black tint for 5 seconds. The ability ends after the nearsighted or if Node is killed early.”
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